Isn't it cute? They traced his body and then wrote out some of his favorite things.
Did you know that Chase's favorite animal is . . .
Did you know that Chase's favorite color is . . .
. . . yellow? I totally knew that one. Yellow and Green? John Deere? You see where I'm going with this.
Did you know his favorite toy is . . .
. . . race cars? Again, not surprised. You thought he would answer some type of tractor didn't you? Well as he has learned from the John Deere for Kids website a tractor is not a toy*. Now a race car on the other hand . . . .
And finally, did you know his favorite food is . . .
. . . whaaaat? I think Kai said it best when, in one breath, he said, "What the heck are hod dogs? Who wrote that? Was it his teacher because why would she write hod dogs? That doesn't even make sense! HOD dogs?"
*The above link will take you to a John Deere Lawn Safety Quiz. If you haven't already, I suggest you take it. It could save your life one day.
The "Hod Dogs" made me laugh out loud. Maybe this teacher needs vacation, I think she's been spending a little too much time with those kids! - Des
I love hod dogs.
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