Madison had her last soccer game last night. She ended the season with some fantastic soccer ball to face contact. I think Michael caught it on video tape-- poor girl. Yet, despite her first taste of soccer induced pain, she is not only willing, but excited to sign up for the fall season. I on the other hand am excited about not having to work soccer practice and games into my already crazy busy schedule for a few months. I wish I'd thought of that before signing the boy up for T-ball.
Because it was Madison's last game I wanted to get some good pictures. Unfortunately I wasn't particularly successful. Every time I tried to take a picture Chase would jump in front of the camera and laugh.
The boy was determined to have me document his newly made-up karate moves. "Take a picture of me doing
this, mom!" Insert crazy karate type movements here.
However, with a little patience and some serious zooming in I managed to get this shot. Madison is 1/4 to 1/2 the size of the other girls on the team, but that doesn't mean much when she's got her elbow in your stomach. She may be small but she's tough.
That's my girl!
With soccer,since you have to stay close to the ball and can't touch it with your hands, being small doesn't seem like a major disadvantage. I don't know soccer very well though so maybe I am wrong.
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